25 July 2010

Affirmations for August - My FAST Month

'You create your own life'.
'create' is a verb.You have to actively do something in order to get the life you want

This comes from Brett, the author of the blog 'Zen and the Art of Triathlon' and I think its a great quote' . So with this powerful thought in mind, here is what I will do in August to 'create' my life.

Firstly the goals -

1. Next weekend, I will participate in my 3rd Half Marathon in 4 weeks. My goal is to achieve 2hrs 15mins again- and beat it if possible.

2. 4 weeks after that, I will attempt to run the 10km Bridge to Brisbane in 55 minutes (this time is a HUGE stretch but I will see what I can do)

3. The following two weeks will see me ride the Queensland Big Bike Ride from Yeppoon to Bundaberg (a 9 day ride- should be fun!)

4. In October (5 weeks after that) it is the 210km Around the Bay in a Day in Melbourne.

It's a very challenging program (Improbable?) and I need to get a LOT fitter, and in a hurry.

Its actually quite scary and I am not sure I can do it. I've always been slow and these goals are all about being fast.

I am going to work really hard to achieve them, to bring me closer to achieving my Improbable Dream.

I am creating my own life - but only if I get off my bum and do something.

So here's my Affirmations for August....

'August is my FAST month. Its the month I will get a lot faster in my running and my riding. I will do this by hard aerobic training, and by improving my technique.

I will focus on two things only -

1. Complete the Bridge to Brisbane in 50 minutes
2. Be riding at an average of +28kph by the time I start the Big Bike Ride.

This month I am improving my speed fitness and my technique. I push myself hard at each training session.

I commit to completing the interval training sessions without whimping out.

I am improving my running and pedalling technique, my riding position and my gearing selection.

Each workout is focused on getting faster for longer by getting both fitter and smarter.

Every day I push myself harder for longer, and I improve my running and riding technique.

I will CREATE my own outcomes.

And when I get this right, in September I will develop my long rides in preperation for the next stage of my dream.

I will celebrate my result in the Bridge To Brisbane.'

If you want to leave me a comment you can do so below....

More later, journey on.....

Word Count - unknown.

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