25 February 2010

Lessons of a Fast Bike Ridden Fast.

Written 18th January.

First ride on the road bike for a couple of months, and boy - was it fast! And it taught me a valuable lesson;

While the bike wants to go fast, for me to make it do so I have to have bike fitness and good riding skill. I will have to approach the bike with a more 'aggressive' attitude than I have in the past. I will now try to 'attack' my bike riding using strength, speed and skill. There's lots I need to work on, including -

- Choose gears that enable me to maintain optimum cadence at all times. Spin, dont grind.
- Improve my riding position to ensure I engage my hips and my buttocks for maximum power and endurance
- Work at increasing my Lactate Threshold so I can maintain a high cadence for longer. Progressively go faster, harder and longer.
- Combine all the above to provide a base for faster and longer hill climb.

So here's my decision for today-

I will always ride the road bike fast. I will always 'attack' my bike rides by committing to high cadence, high average kph, increased lactate thresholds.

I will start off riding short and sharp and build up to fast and long. The objective will be to always achieve fast average kph and a high cadence.

I'm pleased with this decision. Its a good plan, and its a decision that goes towards completing my goal of 'Around the Bay in a Day'

More later, journey on....

Word Count - 256

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