25 February 2010

Me as a Soul Athlete

Written 14th January 201o

"Do, or dont do. There is no try" Buddhist wisdom from Yoda.

Buddhism says success is in the act of doing and not in some arbitrary definition of success. So if it's not to win races or to complete distance challenges why am I on this journey? What's my purpose?

I heard a story recently about the TV show 'Stargate'. Apparently it's about going through a Stargate into a whole new universe, a place where things look the same but everything is different. To me this is what being a 'soul athlete' is all about...... To really find the true me by going through my own personal stargate of self-imposed mental limitations to arrive at a new reality - my own next realm.

There's an old saying that talks about 'finding the field out beyond where true understanding can be found'. I believe I will find this field of understanding by pushing my body to find new 'stargates' and to pushing my body and mind through them.

This is why I am on this journey. It's also why I have related it to Don Quixote. He, and I, dared to dream of a better world. My 'better world' starts with gaining a true understanding of myself and from there, starting to make sense of the ways things are, and might be.

The concept of 'stargates' to understanding is an exciting combination of buddhism and distance athleticism. It resonates deeply with me and it's why I'm on this journey.

So why am I doing this? Its to find myself, to make some sense out of my life, and to hopefully give it greater meaning.

More later, journey on.

Word count - 279.

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